PhD students – please inform our office as soon as possible if you are planning on submitting your thesis earlier than your maximum registration date on CamSIS. For reference this date is recorded for enrolment purposes as your anticipated completion date on the US Department of Education's NSLDS (National Student Loans Data System).
Once a thesis is submitted the majority of the academic activity that leads to the degree has been completed and enrolment on NSLDS is subsequently updated to less than half-time.
Please be aware that even though our records here will indicate that a PhD student is still full time until they have passed their degree, because the majority of academic activity for a PhD has been completed once a thesis is submitted we are required by US regulations to update NSLDS to less than half-time.
We can only confirm full time enrolment on NSLDS for students that are still physically studying at the level required by a full time (or part-time) student whilst completing and before having submitted their thesis.
Federal loans go into repayment from the date on NSLDS that enrolment is updated to less than half-time & any grace periods on federal loans will also be effective from that date.
Please note that US regulations do not allow federal loan funds to be disbursed after enrolment on NSLDS has changed to less than half-time.
If you submit your thesis early with federal loan disbursements outstanding we have to comply with US regulations relating to enrolment of 'less than half time' and will not be able to disburse any further instalments of your federal loan.
NEW: §668.22 Treatment of title IV funds when a student withdraws (1) A student who completes all the requirements for graduation from his or her program before completing the days or hours in the period that he or she was scheduled to complete is not considered to have withdrawn.
The first payment period of your loan is the start date of the loan period up to the day before the due date of the second disbursement of your loan. The second payment period is the due disbursement date of the second disbursement of your loan up to the loan end date. For those students that start in Michaelmas the normal start date of the loan period is Oct 1st of the academic year and the normal loan end date is Sep 30th of that academic year.