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These web pages provide information for registered students at the University of Cambridge about a range of funding, additional to statutory and other state support, that is available to students who find themselves in need of extra financial assistance or who are otherwise facing exceptional and unexpected financial need.

The information may also prove useful to the parents/guardians/advisers of students, as well as to College Tutors and other members of staff at the Collegiate University.

Prospective students, or registered students seeking funding to begin a new course, should visit either the undergraduate funding or postgraduate funding pages. You may also wish to visit the Cambridge Students' Union's Student Advice Service website.

Key sources of support



Other sources of support

Overview of financial assistance from the University

As the University's Financial Assistance Funds are limited and receive a high volume of applications, you should speak to your College Tutor and explore all other sources of financial assistance, including funds available at your College, before approaching the University for financial assistance. 

Students in zones of conflict who are in financial need should apply to the Undergraduate Financial Assistance Fund or Postgraduate Financial Assistance Fund

The University provides several central sources of financial assistance:

Fund Who this is for
Undergraduate Financial Assistance Fund Undergraduates facing exceptional and unexpected financial need
Postgraduate Financial Assistance Fund Postgraduates facing exceptional and unexpected financial need

Realise Financial Assistance Fund 

Home Undergraduates on intermission who fall into one of the following groups as identified by The Realise Project:

  • Care experienced and estranged students
  • Refugee, asylum seeker and forced migrant students
  • Young carer students 
  • Gypsy, Roma, traveller, showman and boater students
The Crane Fund 

Any student facing exceptional and unexpected medical costs leading to financial need

ADRC financial support Disabled students 
Childcare costs Students with dependent children
Loan Fund I  This fund is currently closed. 

Please note that the Sheikh Family Bursaries are no longer available.