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Examination access arrangements

Applying for examination arrangements and preliminary examinations for research degrees.

Submitting and Examination

Submitting theses for examination.

Higher Degrees

Applying and undertaking examination for postgraduate Higher Degrees.

Research Students should be particularly aware of the University’s Research Integrity Statement  and Guidelines on Good Research Practice.  

Students and supervisors should also be aware of the guidance about the use of Artificial Intelligence and how to avoid academic misconduct when using AI.

Postgraduate students and staff are expected to be familiar with the University's Regulations for Postgraduate Degrees as set out in Chapter VII of the Statutes and Ordinances

Course Reference
DD (Doctor of Divinity)
LLD (Doctor of Law)
ScD (Doctor of Science), LittD (Doctor of Letters)
MusD (Doctor of Music)
BusD (Doctor of Business)
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), MSc (Master of Science), MLitt (Master of Letters) and MPhil (Master of Philosophy) by thesis
PhD under Special Regulations
EngD (Doctor of Engineering)
EdD (Doctor of Education)
MRes (Master of Research)
MSt (Master of Studies)
CPGS (Certificate of Postgraduate Study)
MD (Doctor of Medicine)