Applicants for the PGCE course or the Diploma in Child Counselling
As a condition of offer for a place on the PGCE or the Diploma in Child Counselling course you are required to obtain a check from the Disclosure and Barring Service. A UK Enhanced DBS check with children’s barred list information is the level of check required for all those seeking a position which involves regular and unsupervised contact with children. This also includes students who intend to conduct practical research in and education setting.
If you are already in possession of a UK Enhanced DBS certificate with children’s barred list information which is subscribed to the Update Service, you will need to consent to the Faculty of Education checking the service on your behalf in order to meet the conditions of your offer.
If you firmly accept a conditional offer, you will receive an email from the Student Registry to advise you of:
• the online application process, payment options, and further steps to take upon receipt of your DBS certificate
• links to University and DBS guidance for the application process
• ID documents information sheet.
If you are a trainee on the Diploma in Counselling PPD course, it is also a condition of your offer that you maintain a subscription to the DBS update Service throughout the duration of the course, including during the period of time post-Diploma when you work towards membership of the UKCP professional body.
All conditions of your offer should be met by 01 September.
The current fee for seeking an Enhanced Disclosure is £72.78, and subscribing to the Update Service is £16 per annum.
Applicants that have lived outside of the UK for 3 or more consecutive months in any given country in the 5 years preceding the start of their course will also have to provide an overseas criminal records check for each relevant country. If overseas certificates are not in English, then the applicant is required to obtain a certified translation.
Overseas checks need to be obtained by the applicant; the University will not apply for overseas checks on the students’ behalf.
Please note: all trainee teachers and counsellors at the Faculty of Education will be required to present their original paper certificate in the first week of their course for validation checks. This includes all certificates linked to the Update Service.
Further information
Contact information
PGCE Admissions office
- Telephone: 01223 767600
- Email:
PPD Admissions office
- Telephone: 01223 767728
- Email:
Student Registry