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Cambridge students


Your College

Every postgraduate student is a member of a College. Your College experience can be one of the most important and memorable you have in Cambridge. The College has obligations to you as a member of its community, but you have responsibilities as a member of the College; find out more about what you can expect from your College.

Advice and support

There are a number of avenues of support available to you. If you experience problems with your study, you should consult your Principal Supervisor, Academic Adviser or the Director of Postgraduate Education in your Faculty or Department without delay. You may also seek advice and pastoral support from your College.

The Student Union’s Advice Service offers impartial and confidential advice. You can also contact the Student Support Services, which provide a variety of support including specialised postgraduate wellbeing advice

Research students

Information about course duration can be found on the Terms of Study page. In all cases additional time may be required to complete the examination process.

The University requires full-time research students to be resident in Cambridge and actively pursuing their research throughout the year (including during the summer months when undergraduate students are not in residence), with short breaks for holidays. Part-time students have no residence requirements but are required to attend the University on a regular basis as prescribed by the degree committee. Further details of the University's residence requirements.

There are various sources of information for postgraduate research students:

  • The Code of Practice for research degrees (doctoral and research masters) sets out the University’s expectations of students and the staff who teach and support them; describes arrangements for monitoring and reporting on your progress, and on your first-year progress examination and final examination of your thesis. The Code will be supplemented by additional information on this website and material specific to your Faculty or Department which will be provided during your induction and through a Course Handbook or similar which may be in hard copy or online.
  • Guidance on the requirements for research degrees.
  • At the beginning of your project you might find it useful to complete the Research and Resources form with your supervisor to agree expectations relating to frequency of contact and access to facilities.
  • You should determine if you are working with any material, data, technology, or software that is subject to UK Export Control Law. Your supervisor will be able to advise you.
  • You should ensure that you are familiar with requirements for the sharing of your research data and making your research Open Access.
  • You may also benefit from participation in the University's Equipment Sharing Project.
  • The student status pages provide you will information on the processes to follow should you need to request changes in circumstance or status such as leave to work away from Cambridge, intermission, change of Department.
  • Doctoral students should also read the Advice on Doctoral Standards for Research Students and Supervisors which has been produced by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in response to students' concerns about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on carrying out research and completing their studies on time.
  • The Statutes and Ordinances provide the constitutional framework that allows the University to govern its affairs. Chapter VII of the Ordinances - Degrees, Diplomas and Other Qualifications - sets out the University's regulations in relation to postgraduate courses.
  • The postgraduate examination information provides guidance and links relating to examination matters, including examination arrangements, submitting dissertations and theses for examination, qualification approval, conferment and certification.

Master’s courses with a taught element

If you are following a Master’s course, your Faculty or Department is responsible for arranging lectures and other activities, and for supervision of your research project or dissertation. There will be a Course Director or similar who is responsible for your course, and if you are experiencing any problems with the course you should raise them with them in the first instance. You may also seek advice and support from your College Tutor. If you are unable to resolve your problem through this route, you may wish to lodge a formal complaint.

The University requires you to comply with the residence requirements for your course. Further details of the University's residence requirements.

There are various sources of information for students:

  • The Code of Practice for MPhil by Advanced Study and MRes degrees sets out the University’s expectations of students and the staff who teach and support them. The Code will be supplemented by additional information specific to your Faculty or Department which will be provided during your induction and through a Course Handbook or similar which may be in hard copy or online.
  • The online lecture list provides information on all lectures that are held at the University, including venue and time of each lecture. As a matriculated student you are entitled to attend any lectures (but not classes or practical sessions) of any degree course. Students wishing to attend lectures for a subject for which they are not registered will be permitted to do so only if there is room for them in the lecture theatre. Please check the details published by the Faculty or Department concerned before attending such lectures as you may be required to sign up in advance.
  • The changes in circumstance pages provide you will information on the processes to follow should you need to request changes in circumstance or status such as leave to work away from Cambridge, intermission, change of Department.
  • The Statutes and Ordinances provide the constitutional framework that allows the University to govern its affairs. Chapter VII of the Ordinances - Degrees, Diplomas and Other Qualifications- sets out the University's regulations in relation to postgraduate courses.
  • The postgraduate examination information page provides guidance and links relating to examination matters, including examination arrangements, submitting dissertations and theses for examination, qualification approval, conferment and certification.