Q. I have changed course, but my old course is still listed on CamSIS. What should I do?
The amendment to your record is effective from 01 October and will only show up after that day. In the meantime, please complete the Student Registration exercise in anticipation of this change. If, after the 01 October, your record has not been updated then please get in touch using the Contact Form.
Q. I am studying a science subject but my degree is recorded as a BA, how do I change this to BSc?
All Cambridge first degrees are BAs, we don't award a BSc, so the information is correct.
Q. I am studying for a four-year degree but my record is only showing the three-year course. How do I correct this?
All undergraduate students studying Natural Sciences and Maths are initially registered for three-year degrees, even if they intend to go on to a fourth year. Once the Part II results (those from your third year) are released and it has been confirmed which students have been accepted onto the fourth year, records will be updated, although this may not show up on CamSIS until 1 October.
Q. I am a third-year pre-clinical medic/vet but my academic plan does not show this/is showing up as Natural Sciences. What should I do?
If you are taking another subject for your Part II (usually, but not always, Natural Sciences) CamSIS will show your academic plan as that subject. This does not mean that you are no longer registered as studying medicine/veterinary science, it is just the way the CamSIS displays your information.
Q. I have just graduated from my first undergraduate degree and am now doing the integrated masters course. I can't put postgradaute qualification and the first degree only lists BA and BSc, but they don't apply to me either. What degree should I say I am doing?
Select integrated undergraduate/postgraduate degree.
Q. I am now studying for a Masters, but I am still being shown as an undergraduate student. What should I do?
The amendment to your record is effective from 01 October and will only show up after this date. In the meantime, please complete the Student Registration exerise in anticipation of this change. If, after the 01 October, you record has not been updated then please get in touch using the Contact Form.
Q. I have been registered for my PhD but I am still being shown as CPGS. What should I do?
Please complete the Student Registration exercise. When your Degree Committee informs the Student Registry of your registration for the PhD, your record will be updated.
Q. I am a PhD student in my second/third/fourth year but my record says that my degree is PhD (probationary)/NOTAF. What should I do?
We cannot update your status to PhD until we receive confirmation from your Degree Committee that you have been upgraded to a full PhD student. If you believe that you should have been upgraded, then please get in touch with your Department and/or Supervisor to make sure that they are aware that you are still recorded as PhD (probabationary)/NOTAF.
Q. I have extended my course by a year but my record is only showing the three year course. What should I do?
The amendment to your record is effective from 01 October and will only show up after this date. In the meantime, please complete the Student Registration exerise in anticipation of this change. If, after the 01 October, you record has not been updated then please get in touch using the Contact Form.