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Changing Your Department

Before you apply, you should discuss the proposed change with your supervisor, both departments and your College Tutor.

How to apply

Applying for a change of department involves first completing a paper form (word version also available) which must be signed by the following parties:

Head of new department

Degree Committee for new department

Your sponsor or funding body (if applicable)

Proposed new supervisor

You then need to apply for a change of Department/Faculty via your CamSIS self-service. Information on how to do this is available on the ‘Applying for a change in your student status’ page.

When should the change be effective from? Specify the term from which you want the change to take effect.
Reasons for the change Explain the reasons for the change. If you have explained these fully on the paper form you can simply write ‘please see attached form’ on the online form. If you are requesting a 'fresh start'*, please make this clear in your application.
Supervisor If the change will involve a change of supervisor, you should include the name of the new supervisor.

If your proposed transfer will mean an increase in fees and/or maintenance, you will need to provide confirmation that you have the required funding for this amount. See Fee Schedules for information about fees.  Unless  applying for a 'fresh start'* you will be liable for fees at the rate for the year you were admitted to your original course. If applying for a 'fresh start', you will be liable for fees at the rate for the academic year in which the change takes effect which is likely to be higher than for the year you were admitted to your original course.

If you are not self-funded you will need to provide evidence that your sponsor or funder approves the change in department and will provide funds to cover the fees and any additional costs incurred.

New Department's approval (paper form -see above) You must upload the paper form with the new Department’s approval. Your application will not be processed without this.

*A 'fresh start' is where you completely restart the course which resets the clock for your submission deadline and fees. You will be liable for the full fees for the new course in addition to any fees paid prior to the change of course. Fresh starts are quite rare and if you believe one is appropriate for you, you should discuss this with your supervisor and department before applying.

Your application will be considered by your current supervisor, department, College and Degree Committee before arriving at the Student Registry for the final decision. It will not normally be possible to start your new course until the application has been formally approved by all parties.

If you require further information, please submit a query here:

Students studying on a Tier 4/Student visa

A change of department may have visa implications. You should contact the International Student Office to discuss your plans prior to making an application to change your department:

Students who require ATAS (Academic Approval Technology Scheme) clearance

If you are a non-EEA national studying in the UK on any time-limited visa and your course in your new department requires ATAS clearance, you may need to apply for a new ATAS certificate. Since you may need to have obtained the ATAS clearance certificate prior to the change in department application being approved and before starting in your new department, you should apply for clearance alongside making the application to change your course registration.

Contact the International Student Office who can help you start this process and answer any questions: