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If you are currently undertaking study towards a postgraduate qualification, it is your responsibility to ensure you understand and comply with the regulations of the University.

Code of Practice for Research Students

The Code of Practice sets out the University's guidelines for those postgraduate courses examined by scrutiny of an extended research thesis and an oral examination only*. It includes sections on what is expected of you as a research student, and what you can expect of your Principal Supervisor and your Advisor.  The Code will be supplemented by additional information specific to your Faculty or Department which will be provided during your induction and through a course handbook or similar which may be in hard copy or online. 

* The Ph.D., Eng.D., and research elements of the Ed.D., together with M.Phils. examined by thesis and oral only.

The Research Office has also produced a Research Integrity checklist, to assist students and supervisors in addressing issues of research integrity.

Code of Practice for Taught Master's Students 

The Code of Practice for the Master of Philosophy by Advanced Study and the Master of Research sets out the University’s guidelines for these courses.  It supplements the programmes regulations (which can be found at and is in turn supplemented by programme specific handbooks and course materials.

The Code is aimed at Students, Supervisors, Course Directors and Administrators, Faculty Boards and Degree Committees

The relevant Code of Practice for a particular course will be that published in the year that the student commenced their studies for that course.