Starting the registration exercise
Once you have signed in to self-service, you will see a note on the ‘Tasks’ tile telling you there is ‘1 To Do’.
Select the Tasks tile. The next screen is the ‘To Do List’.
Select 'Student Registration' from the Task list.
Read the information on the page that explains more about the student registration exercise. When you are ready click ‘Start registration’.
You will be taken through a series of questions. You will either need to confirm the details are correct or submit a change request if the information is incorrect. On some questions you will be asked to choose an option from a drop-down list. To move through the screens, click ‘Next’.
Step 1: Introduction
The first page contains an introduction to Registration.
Clicking on the question mark icon on any screen will bring up additional information if you require extra help.
To indicate that any information is incorrect, select the ‘No’ button. You will be asked which information is not correct and be asked to request a change to the information held.
Step 2: Personal identification
This page ask you to review your name, date of birth and country of citizenship.
Click on the ‘Request a change to….’ link and it will bring up a box where you can enter the change you wish to make.
Enter the change you wish to make and click ‘Save’. This will send a change request to the Student Registry.
You can then click save on the main page and then next to move on.
Throughout the registration exercise you will see a menu on the left of the screen telling you the status of each question. It is either 'Not started', 'In progress' or 'Complete'.
Step 3: Cambridge IDs
The next question is about your Cambridge IDs.
If you have not previously studied at Cambridge you can select ‘No,’ Save and then click the next button. If you have previously studied at Cambridge, then select ‘Yes’ and you will be asked to confirm that the IDs on the screen match your previous IDs.
If they match, then click ‘Yes’ and then 'Save'. If they do not, click ‘No’ and request the change required. Then click 'Save' and move on.
Step 4: Academic details
The next page relates to the Academic details we hold for you. Please read the informaton at the start of this page.
As before, if the information is correct click ‘Yes’ and save or if you require a change click ‘No’, enter the change then save and move on to the next screen.
Step 5: Source of tuition fees
This question ask who is funding your course of study.
Once you have selected the right option from the dropdown menu, click 'Save' and move on to the next question.
Step 6: Previous qualifications
This question is about previous qualifications which continuing students do not need to answer.
Step 7: Permanent residence
This question is about your permanent residence prior to starting your course which continuing students do not need to answer.
Step 8: Term-time accommodation
This is about your term-time accommodation.
Note, you will only be asked this question is you are a full-time student as we do not need a term time address for part time students.
You can change any information by clicking the drop-down menu or the right pointing arrow.
Step 9: Contact details
This question is about your contact details. To change any information, click on the right pointing arrow.
If you wish to make something your ‘preferred’ email address or phone number, click the ‘Preferred’ box.
When the details are all correct, click 'Save' and move on to the next question.
Step 10: Emergency contacts
Read the information and add additional emergency contacts if required by clicking the + button. If any changes need to be made you can click the arrow next to the item.
You can amend the details or delete an emergency contact.
Step 11: Personal details
The next two questions ask about personal information. Click the ‘?’ for more details. To make a selection click on the down arrow.
If you have a disability, then you will need to let us know if you are in receipt of Disabled Students Allowance. This box is greyed out if you do not declare a disability.
You can add more disabilities by clicking the ‘+’ sign. Select the correct option in the dropdown menu.
Step 12: Further personal details
This page asks you about ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion or beliefs.
When you have selected the right details, click 'Save' and move on.
Step 13: Submission
This page is the submission page. We recommend that you go back through and check your answers before submitting your registration response.
When you are ready, click ‘Submit’.
You will be asked if you are sure you wish to submit. If you are happy, click ’Yes’.
If you return to your self-service page, you will see that you no longer have any tasks to complete.