Information for Postgraduates only
Full time postgraduate students are expected to be resident in Cambridge for the duration of their course (see Terms of Study for further details). If this is not the case, you must make an application, possibly to work away or intermit, whatever is most appropriate to your situation. Your College Graduate Tutor or Departmental administrator is available to advise you if you are not sure what is required. Part-time students have no residence requirements but are required to attend the University on a regular basis as prescribed by the Department and Degree Committee
As a registered student you are required to know the date you are expected to submit work and/or your thesis/dissertation. You must ensure you submit any work within the date you are registered. As a doctoral student you can check your registration and submission on your Self-Service pages. MPhil, MEd, MRes, CPGS or Diploma students can find submission information in the Submitting and Examination section.
CamSIS applications
If you need to intermit, extend the date you are registered as a student (to enable you to defer your submission date), work away, or make any other change to your status, you will need to apply for permission from the University. Applications are made via your Self-Service in CamSIS. Please note however, that unless there are exceptional circumstances, retrospective applications will not be considered.
You are in charge of tracking the administration of your application. To help with this, in response to feedback from students, for applications submitted after 15 March 2018 students will receive email notifications about the progress of their applications. You will receive confirmation of the final decision to you by email. If you are unclear about which application or course of action is most appropriate, please consult your College graduate tutor or Department administrator. Please remember to keep your college and sponsor informed when you make an application to undertake a particular course of action. You may also need to secure permission from your sponsor (especially the Research Councils), who will have provided you with information in their handbook.
If you need to cancel an application whilst it is being administered, you will need to log onto your Self-Service pages to request this. If your application has already been approved, you will need to email
If you are currently, or have previously been, registered as a postgraduate student at Cambridge on a PhD, MPhil, MRes, MSt, MASt, LLM, Graduate Diploma or a Certificate in Advanced Study in Mathematics (Part III Maths) and wish to continue to another postgraduate qualification, you will need to apply to continue/be readmitted as a postgraduate student. More information is available at the Continuation and Readmission pages of the Postgraduate Study website.
Further information:
Personal Information
- Changing Your Name
- Changing Colleges [ domain only]
- Applying for Person(s) to Join You in Cambridge
- Residing Outside the University's Precincts
Changing Your Student Status
There are a number of reasons your status may change during your time in Cambridge, from applying for intermission from your course, leave to work away to conduct research outside the University, changing your mode of study or applying to withdraw from study or be reinstated.
For more information on your status, and how you can change it, see our pages on Your Student Status covering the following:
- Intermission
- Changing Your Mode of Study
- Withdrawing From the University
- Leave to Work Away from Cambridge
- Extending Your 'End of Registration Date'
- Changing Your Course Registration
- Allowance/Exemption of Terms
- Removal From the Register
- Reinstatement to the Register
- Changing Your Department/Faculty
- Changing Your Supervisor
- Exemption From the University Composition Fee
When it comes to your examination, there are several requests you can make through your Self-Service, such as:
- Restricting access to your thesis
- Working in collaboration
- Including additional material with your thesis
- Extending the Word Limit
Confirmation of Your Status
For further information about any item above, please contact Student Registry (