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Academic Transcripts - Access to your online documents can take up to 5 workings days from request, you will receive email confirmation once these are ready.

NOTICE: From September 2024 Digitary CORE will operate under its new name Parchment.  This will be smooth transition and should not affect existing Digitary CORE account holders.

The University of Cambridge issues official University transcripts digitally online through Digitary CORE/Parchment. Please see the instructions below:

Current Students

Please log into CamSIS Self-Service and click on the Academic Tile and choose the Request a Transcript from the tabs on the left.  You can view your unofficial transcript and order official online transcripts by Subscribing to Digitary/Parchment from the transcript page.  Once you have access to your documents in Digitary CORE/Parchment we strongly advise that you link your documents to a personal email address in addition to your @cam address.

Former Students

Please log into CamSIS Extended Self-Service and click on the Academic Tile, then choose 'Request a Transcript' from the tabs on the left.  You can view your unofficial transcript and order official online transcripts by Subscribing to Digitary/Parchment from the transcript page.  Once you have access to your documents in Digitary CORE/Parchment we strongly advise that you link your documents to a secondary email address.

Please see the ESS FAQ page if you have any further questions.

Please note, if you matriculated before 1980 you will not be able to access a digital transcript.


What is Digitary CORE/Parchment?

Digitary CORE/Parchment is a trusted, secure cloud platform that helps University students from around the world to access and share their verified academic documents online.  Verified documents can be stored, accessed and shared with employers, other education providers, governments and third parties, 24/7, from anywhere in the world. This allows for an efficient and effective way to view and share your documents, providing a platform where you are in control of who views your documents and how.

Access to your documents can take up to 5 working days from request, you will receive email confirmation once these are ready.

For Graduands who matriculated on or after Michaelmas Term 1980 we strongly advise that before ordering an official transcript that you check your unofficial transcript to ensure the content matches your requirements. Your unofficial transcript is available prior to purchasing any official copy via Student self-service or ESS.


Key benefits of Digitary CORE/Parchment include:

  • Students can access their digitally certified official academic documents online
  • Students can securely share their documents with third parties, quickly and easily
  • Students have full control over who they share their documents with and for how long
  • Students can present their documents in CVs, online profiles and applications to stand-out
  • Employers and others can quickly and easily verify students’ academic documents


The Transcript

The content of the transcript cannot be modified as it represents an accurate record of your course(s) at the University of Cambridge. If you believe your document contains errors please check your personal details and course registration in CamSIS. If you need help doing this or would like further information, please submit a query here: University of Cambridge Student Registry Office (

If the transcript does not match your requirements, please contact your College or Department who may be able to provide further course statements. Please be advised that Tripos (undergraduate) paper marks have only been collected for transcripts since 2003, and there are gaps in some subjects. If your transcript does not contain the individual paper marks it will still contain the paper titles and the overall class obtained for each Part. Marks for other examinations, where available, have been attached to records after this date. For example, marks for MPhil exams have only been collected since 2006.

There is a one-off charge of £25 for lifetime access and unlimited use of Digitary/Parchment.

This service also allows you to access your academic verification document which you can then share directly and securely with a third party. More information is available here.

We are unable to provide bespoke transcripts and verifications, students should approach their College or Department if they require such documentation.

The University no longer provides academic verifications to third parties - organisations must contact students directly.


Paper Transcripts

Paper transcripts are available via the University online store; priced at £25 for the first copy, then £10 for each additional copy within the same order. They are identical to the online transcript and are available to order as follows;

There is also an option for a DHL delivery service at an additional cost of £15.00 per address. This service is strongly recommended to ensure safe delivery. The University does not accept responsibility for items lost in transit. DHL is available to purchase on the Online Store as a separate item, which you can add to your basket. Where multiple deliveries are required, the £15.00 is payable for each different address.

Owing to high demand please allow up to 28 working days to process and dispatch paper transcripts.


If you have any further queries which are not answered in the FAQ's below or via the Student Registry Help Centre please submit a request with your details for additional support and advice.


Frequently Asked Questions

I completed more than one course at the University, do I need to purchase multiple transcripts?

No, your transcript contains your entire academic record with the University. Therefore if you have completed multiple courses they will be listed in chronological order on your transcript.

Can the information on my transcript be amended/can I request a bespoke version?

No, your transcript is produced automatically by pulling all of the relevant information from your student record and formatting it accordingly. Therefore there is no way to change or amend it. However your department or your College may be able to provide you with an unofficial supplementary transcript if you require extra information. Please contact your departmental or College administrator for information.

There is an error on my transcript. How do I get this corrected?

If the error relates to examination results/grades, please contact your Department in the first instance. If changes are then deemed necessary to your central record they will liaise with the appropriate office on your behalf to arrange corrections and reissue.

If there is a discrepancy with any of your biographical information submit your query here: University of Cambridge Student Registry Office ( with full details.  If possible please attach a copy or screen shot of your transcript for reference, along with any supporting documentation.

My transcript appears incomplete and does not reflect all registered courses. Can you add the missing information?

Please check your document thoroughly as information can extend to multiple pages. If your central records have been subject to updates following examination or graduation please check your self-service account where you will be prompted to request available updates to your online transcript.

My transcript does not give an overall classification for my BA degree?

Unlike other UK universities, Cambridge does not award a final degree classification but, instead, each Part of the Tripos is classed. This means that, whilst examinations occur at the end of each Part of the Tripos and results are classed, there is no cumulative class at the end of the course. Further information concerning the structure of Undergraduate courses and what you graduate with can be found here:

For students finishing in 2023 onwards, this will no longer be the case and overall degree classifications will be awarded.

How can I get copies of my transcript legalised/Apostilled?

The University of Cambridge does not provide a legalisation or Apostille service. To legalise documents please refer to pages online here: For Apostille services you will need to seek the services of an external provider.

Can I get my documents faster than the 5 day turnaround?

We do not expedite requests. Online documents are usually available within 24-48 hours (Monday-Friday) of request however we advise that you allow up to 5 working days. Once certified and released you wil receive email confirmation directly from Digitary. We recommend that you add this email address to your list of trusted senders:

I have an existing Digitary/Parchment account linked to an @cam email address which I no longer have access to. How do I regain access?

Please sign into your student student self-service account (or ESS or CamSIS alumni) and ensure that your preferred External email address is up-to-date, once you have done so please email to request that your documents be reassigned. 
You will receive email notification once they have been made available. We recommend that you add this email address to your list of trusted senders:

I have received the notification email to advise that my document is ready but when I log in to Digitary CORE there are no documents available. What should I do?

Check that you have registered/signed into Digitary/Parchment using the same email address that the notification email was sent to.  If the documents are still not available to view clear your browser cache and sign back in to Digitary CORE/Parchment.

I have registered with Digitary CORE/Parchment, how do I see my documents?

You need to request your documents first via your student self-service account (or ESS or CamSIS alumni for former students) before you will be able to view any documentation via Digitary CORE/Parchment.
Further guidance on how to subscribe/order is shown above.

How does the sharing of my academic documents work in DigitaryParchment?

Further FAQs on how to use Digitary/Parchment are available on the Digitary Core by Parchment website

ESS - What if I forgot/don’t know my CRSid or USN?

You will need to contact the Student Registry, please submit a query here: University of Cambridge Student Registry Office (

What is my matriculation term?

This is your registration term, the term you first started as a student at the University.