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Postgraduate students who have received funding towards their course from a funding sponsor are expected to have contacted their funding sponsor for additional support before applying to the University's Financial Assistance Funds. 

University-managed funds

Students who receive a maintenance stipend from funds managed within the Collegiate University (including Cambridge Trust, Gates Cambridge, Harding, Departments, Colleges and UKRI DTPs and CDTs) and who need an extension of funding or additional funding should contact their funding sponsor in the first instance.

Information about applying for additional funding from internal funding sponsors is listed below:

  • Cambridge Trust: The Cambridge Trust will consider applications for additional funding on a case-by-case basis. The Cambridge Trust provides an application form and guidance on their website: Financial Assistance for Trust Scholars
  • Gates Cambridge: Gates Cambridge will consider applications for extended funding on a case-by-case basis. Information for their scholars is available online.
  • University Trust Funds: The University Trust Funds, managed by the Student Funding and Fee Policy Team, will normally align with UKRI policy and will consider applications on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Research Council: contact your Research Council Administrator for information on the support available.  
  • Department/Faculty funding: contact your Department to enquire about the possibility of applying for a funding extension.
  • College funding: contact your College to enquire about the possibility of applying for a funding extension.
  • Other funding: contact the administrator or Managers of your funding to enquire about the possibility of applying for a funding extension.

External funders

Students will need to contact their funding sponsor to enquire about the possibility of additional funding or funding extensions. 

Some funding sponsors also provide financial support for other incidental costs and students should contact their funding sponsor for more information.