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If you are awarded a full Cambridge Bursary, you’re automatically nominated (you do not need to apply) for these 3 other awards and scholarships that the scheme administers. They are funded by donors. If you’re successful you’ll be told at the start of the academic year. You can decline the award if you do not want to accept it.

Reuben Scholarships

  • Care experienced students are prioritised.
  • Selections are based on a range of indicators of disadvantage, including household income, POLAR and Indices of Multiple Deprivation.
  • Over 50 new undergraduate students receive £1,750 a year.
  • Students are selected across all Colleges and subject areas.
  • Reuben Scholars are invited to take part in networking and alumni events.

These are funded by a donation from the Reuben Foundation.

Get In Cambridge Bursaries (including Rajagopalan Get In Bursaries)

  • A number of new undergraduate students from an under-represented minority ethnicity (currently Black, British Bangladeshi and British Pakistani) are awarded a Get In Cambridge bursary each year.
  • Recipients receive £1,750 a year for the duration of their course.
  • Students are selected across all Colleges and subject areas.

These are funded by philanthropists who want to reduce under-representation at Cambridge. 

Douglas Cashin Bursaries

  • For 2 students who receive a full Cambridge Bursary and study the 4-year Classics with Preliminary Year course.
  • Recipients are awarded bursaries of £1,750 a year.

These are funded by a donation, to support students with no background in Classics to access the course.

To receive one of the awards you must agree to share your details with the donor, for monitoring and communications purposes. However, you can choose not to participate in events they invite you to and opportunities they offer.