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All students are issued with one free paper copy of their degree certificate upon graduation.  This will be either at the ceremony if you attend in person or posted to you via your college as soon as possible after the graduation ceremony date if you graduated in absence.

One free paper copy of your academic transcript will also normally be posted to you within four weeks following congregation.

Degree certificates are available online for all that have graduated since March 2020. Online certificates will be made available within 10 working days of your degree ceremony and you should receive an email from Digitary informing you that it is available. If you have not received an email and you have graduated in absence since March 2020 please submit a query here: Please note that online certificates are not available to anyone who graduated prior to March 2020.

Replacement certificates and transcripts are available for purchase, as well as Alternative Design Certificates, please see this page for more information. 


If you have any further queries that are not answered in the FAQ's below or via the Student Registry Help Centre, please submit a request for additional support and advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

My degree certificate does not show my subject of study or classification

No final degree classification is included on degree certificates.  Instead such detail, where available, is recorded on academic transcripts and verification documents.   Further information concerning degree classes can be found here:

How can I get copies of my degree certificates legalised/Apostilled?

The University of Cambridge does not provide a legalization or Apostille service. To legalise documents please refer to pages online here:, for Apostille services a simple search online should yield suitable results.

Can I get an online copy of my certificate?

If you were awarded your degree in March 2020 or later you should have received an email advising how to access your certificate. If you have not received an email and you have graduated since March 2020 please submit a query here: University of Cambridge Student Registry Office (

Certificates are only available online for Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees. We do not provide online certificate services for non-member award programmes administered by the Institute of Continuing Education, Faculty of Education (PPD and CPD) or the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL).

When will I get access to my online degree certificate?

Online certificates will be made available within 10 working days of your degree ceremony. Once all certificates have been published for access you should receive an email from Digitary to your @cam account. 

If 10 working days have lapsed since graduation and you no longer have access to your @cam account, please contact please submit a query here: University of Cambridge Student Registry Office (

I was awarded an integrated Masters/Bachelor of Surgery/Medicine degree, do I need to purchase multiple certificates?

Yes, you will need to purchase individual certificates for each degree.

I recently graduated in absence and have not received my certificate. When will I receive it?

Paper copies of degree certificates for those that proceed in absence are sent to respective colleges for onward distribution.  Please contact your College (Tutorial Office) directly who can provide you with updates.

I ordered and received a replacement copy of my original degree certificate and the date 'witness my hand' differs to the actual award/conferral date. Is this correct?

This is correct. If you have requested or received a replacement degree certificate the date of signing will reflect the date on which the replacement has been issued.