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Cambridge students


With blended learning supporting multiple ways of studying and some that require asynchronous work, that is students working in their own time, it can prove challenging at times to accomodate a more independent routine. This video will suggest some techniques and considerations when structuring your study time to help make the most of your content this year.

NB: this video has been withdrawn to carry out updates; you can find the transcript and links to further support below for reference

Click to download 'Structure and routine' transcript


For further guidance on topics such as academic skills, research sources, plagiarism and more, you can visit the University's CamGuides.

Study Skills

Student Advice Service - Cambridge Student Union

Institute of Continuing Education

Jumpstart University

Free resources developed by the Open University and Russell Group Universities to support students adjust to life at university.

  • Developing good academic practice - intended to help you develop good academic practices in your studies and when producing assignments and completing assessments.
  • Learning how to learn - aims to make the process of learning much more explicit by inviting you to apply various ideas and activities to your own study as a way of increasing your awareness of your own learning.

Creating a routine & benefits