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Applications for travel in 2024 will open on 1 December 2023 and close on 8 March 2024. 

University travel awards are made annually from three funds: Mary Euphrasia Mosley Fund, Sir Bartle Frere's Memorial Fund and Worts Travelling Scholars Fund. Please read the conditions of each fund carefully to decide which one fits your application and travel plans the best. If you are eligible to apply to more than one fund, you will be placed at no disadvantage by applying to one fund rather than another. 

Please note that the University will only proceed with awards according to FCO and University travel advice in the Spring/Summer of 2024. For more information on the travel insurance the University provides please see here

Application information

Please note that only current registered students of the University are eligible to apply to these funds and you must be a registered student at the time of travel in order to be eligible. 

Ordinarily the Fund Managers expect all travel to be after June. However, in exceptional circumstances the Managers will consider applications from postgraduate students who have earlier travel plans. Please note that no retrospective applications can be considered (ie for travel that has already taken place at the time of the application). 

Students may only receive one grant in any given academic year. 

Postgraduate students in receipt of full funding should not normally expect to receive a grant. 

When more than one individual is involved in any project, a separate application must be submitted by each applicant. Applicants must state clearly which country or countries they intend to visit and who else in the project has applied for an award.

The following activities will not be supported:

  • participation in study programmes or language courses
  • volunteer work with established charities
  • conferences (either to present a paper or to attend)
  • placements and internships related to MPhil courses
  • medical electives
  • travel in the summer vacation between degrees

Please read the application guidance before submitting an application. 

Applications should lay out an applicant's proposed work and estimated costs in detail. Applicants are also required to provide the dates in which they plan to travel. In all cases, the fund Managers will judge applications on quality, originality and individuality of the proposal, and the applicant’s previous academic record.

If your application is successful, the amount you receive is dependent on the strength of your application including a detailed description of your trip activities. You may, therefore, receive a different amount to other students involved in the same project. 

Following the submission of an application, an email will be sent to the applicant's Academic Supervisor/Director of Studies requesting a supporting statement. It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that such statements are submitted by the relevant deadline (see below).

​When applying to the Fund, applicants are required to confirm that they have completed or will complete a Risk Assessment and Ethical Review before they travel. The Academic Supervisor/ Director of Studies' reference will reiterate this declaration and the Managers of the Funds will consider both declarations as confirmation that both documents have been completed and approved by the relevant department. ​Travel awards will only be made if both declarations have been completed. Funds will only be released once the Student Funding and Fee Policy Team have received a copy of the approved risk assessment as well as confirmation of its approval.

Successful applicants are required to submit a financial report and a short written account of their travel to the Student Funding and Fee Policy Team by 1 December annually.

Please contact the Student Funding and Fee Policy Team at if you have any queries about the application process. 

Sir Bartle Frere's Memorial Fund 

  • Eligibility: Undergraduates and Postgraduates
  • Maximum award: £1,000
  • Applications close: 8 March 2024
  • Deadline for Academic Supervisor/Director of Studies' reference: 15 March 2024
  • Results announced: Easter term 2024

The Bartle Frere Exhibitions are awarded annually for study or research in any branch of knowledge relating to a Commonwealth country, not including the United Kingdom and countries of the Indian sub-continent. The Managers will give preference to undergraduates but postgraduate students will also be considered.

To apply: Bartle Frere Exhibitions

Mary Euphrasia Mosley Fund

  • Eligibility: Undergraduates and Postgraduates
  • Maximum award: £1,000
  • Applications close: 8 March 2024
  • Deadline for Academic Supervisor/Director of Studies' reference: 15 March 2024
  • Results announced: Easter term 2024

The Mary Euphrasia Mosley Fund provides awards for the encouragement of travel to the countries of the Commonwealth and dependent territories, excluding the United Kingdom, for the promotion of study or research and for the maintenance of good relations between them.

Candidates must be members of the University who are not of standing to become Masters of Arts.

To apply: Mary Euphrasia Mosley Fund

Worts Travelling Scholars Fund

  • Eligibility: Undergraduates and Postgraduates
  • Maximum award: £1,000
  • Applications close: 8 March 2024
  • Deadline for Academic Supervisor/Director of Studies' reference: 15 March 2024
  • Results announced: Easter term 2024

Grants from the Worts Travelling Scholars Fund are made annually for the promotion or encouragement of investigations in countries outside Great Britain respecting the religion, learning, law, politics, customs, manners, and rarities, natural or artificial, of those countries, or for purposes of geographical discovery or of antiquarian or scientific research in such countries, subject to any conditions as to publication of the results of investigations which may be laid down at the time of the making of the grant. The Managers will give preference to undergraduates but postgraduate students will also be considered. These grants are made to individuals or expeditions on the basis of recommendations and are therefore not transferable.

To apply: Worts Travelling Scholars Fund